Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Keyboard blues

Also my spacebar, and letters B & N on my laptop is not working. So if you see a post with a lot of underscores in it, I'm working from my computer otherwise I will try and use the library's computer to give you information. Although there are some crazy people at the library if no one haven't noticed. Then you are probably wondering what are you doing there right? I'm not crazy! At least that's what my therapist says! LOL!


Ok I know everyone is just eager to read some more of my novel which I know you will buy once it's published! Hint, hint! However I will not include samples of the last few chapters because it defeats the purpose of writing the novel and getting it published so you wonderful people can buy. (Yes, my kids have to eat too!). But I will be posting my journey throughout the publishing process so my fans will know what I'm doing. Have a nice day bishes!